Coğrafyamızın yüz akı, vicdanı ve insan hakları savunucusu Doğan Özgüden 44 yıldır sürgünde bulunduğu AB başkenti Brüksel'de de hedef alınmakta ve milliyetçilerin ırkçı saldırıları, tehdit, iftira ve linç kampanyalarının hedefi haline getirilmek istenilmektedir.
Milliyetçi çevrelerin saldırılarını ve kampanyalarını geçmişte Hrant Dink'in katledilmesi sonrasında olduğu gibi, 1915 Soykırımının/Kıyımının 100. yılı anmaları sırasında başlatmaları anlamlıdır.
'Vatansız' konuma düşürülen GazeteciDoğan Özgüden’in 60 yılı aşkındır sürdürdüğü çalışmalarını, adaletsizlik ve haksızlıklara karşı tutarlı eşitlik, özgürlük mücadelelerini, Türkiye’deki iktidar sahiplerine karşı ödünsüz tavrını, 1915 Soykırımı/Kıyımı konusunda inkârcı resmi teze karşı onurlu çıkışını çok iyi bildiğimiz gibi, bu tutarlı, dik duruşunun Doğan Özgüden'i Türk devletinin, inkarcı, milliyetçi ve ırkçı çevrelerin boy hedefi haline getirdiğinin de bilincindeyiz.
Doğan Özgüden vicdanımızdır, Doğan Özgüden yalnız değildir!
Vatansız Gazetecinin yanında olduğumuzu ve vicdanımıza destek ve dayanışmamızı bildiriyor, Belçika'da yaşayan bu topraklardan göçmüş ilericilerini ve Belçika'nın enternasyonalistlerini de göreve, ilgilileri duyarlı olmaya ve gerekli tedbirleri almaya çağırıyoruz.
Ankara Düşünceye Özgürlük Girişimi
Galata Gazete
Հայրենազուրկ լրագրող Տողան Էօզկիւտէնը մեր խղճմտանքն է
Մերաշխարհագրութեանպարծանքը, խղճմտանքըեւմարդկայինիրաւունքներուպաշտպանը, հայրենազրկուածլրագրողՏողանԷօզկիւտէն, ազգայնամոլներուկողմէթիրախառնուածէնոյնիսկ44 տարիէիվերաքսորուածվայրին՝ԵւրոմիութեանմայրաքաղաքՊրիւքսելիմէջ: Ան, ազգայնամոլներունցեղապաշտականյարձակումներունկ'ենթարկուի, իրենկ'ուղղուինզրպարտութիւններ, սպառնալիքներեւայսպէսթիրախըընտրուածէհանրասպանութեանարշաւիմը:
Ազգայնամոլշրջանակներույարձակումներնեւայսարշաւը, ինչպէսորՀրանդՏինքիսպանութիւնէնյետոյալ, յատկապէս1915-իՑեղասպանութեան/Եղեռնի100-րդՏարելիցիոգեկոչումներուհետնոյնշրջանինսկսիլըիմաստալիցէ:
Քաջատեղեակենք «հայրենազուրկ» դիրքիմատնուածլրագրողՏողանԷօզկիւտէնինաւելիքան60տարիէշարունակածաշխատանքներուն, անարդարութեանդէմիրարդարացիկեցուածքին, հաւասարութեանեւազատութեանմիտուածիրպայքարին, Թուրքիոյիշխանամետշրջանակներունդէմիրանզիջողվերաբերմունքինեւ1915-իՑեղասպանութեան/ Եղեռնիուրացմանպաշտօնականթեզիդէմիրպատուաւորընդդիմութան: Նոյնպէստեղեակենք, այսհամահունչեւուղիղկեցուածքինպատճառովՏողանԷօզկիւտէն, Թուրքիոյպետութեանժխտողական, ազգայնամոլեւցեղապաշտականշրջանակներունկողմէընտրուածէորպէսթիրախ:
ՏողանԷօզկիւտէնըմերխղճմտանքնէ, ՏողանԷօզկիւտէնըմիայնակչէ՛
Մենքմերմիասնականութիւնըեւզօրակցութիւնըկըյայտնենքհայրենազրկուածլրագրողին: ԴէպիՊելժիաարտագաղթածբոլորառաջդիմականանհատներունեւՊելժիոյբոլորմիջազգայնականշրջանակներունհամերաշխութեանկոչկ'ուղղենք: Զգայունըլլալուեւայսմասինխոհեմութեանպատշաճմիջոցներձեռնարկելուուղղութեամբկոչկ'ուղղենքպատկանմարմիններուն:
Անգարա ՄտքիԱզատութեանՆախաձեռնութիւն
The Stateless Journalist Doğan Özgüden is our Conscience!
The honor and conscience of our geography, human rights activists, the Stateless Journalist Doğan Özgüden is targeted in Brussels, the European Union’s capital where he has been living in exile for 44 years and nationalists try to turn him into a target of their racist assaults, threats, slanders and lynch campaigns.
The nationalist circles initiate their assaults and campaigns during the commemorationsof the100thanniversary of the1915 Genocide / Massacre and the nationalist assaults and campaigns after the Massacre of Hrant Dink were the same. This is meaningful.
We know very well the studies which were carried on for more than 60 years, consistent freedom and equality struggles against injustice and unfairness, uncompromising attitude against the power elites in Turkey, honorable rising against the denialist official thesis in respect of the 1915 Genocide / Massacre of the Journalist Doğan Özgüden who was brought down to a “Stateless” position and we are also aware that his consistent, upright stance made Doğan Özgüden the target of the racist, nationalist and denialist circles of the Turkish State.
Doğan Özgüden is our conscience, Doğan Özgüden is not alone!
We declare our solidarity and support to our conscience and we also declare that we are with the Stateless Journalist, and also we call progressivists who live in Belgium and migrated from these lands for duty and we call all parties concerned for sensitivity and we ask them to take due precautions.
The Ankara Initiative for Freedom of Thought
Galata Gazete
Abdullah Demirbaş, Abud Can, Adam Sarkis, Adil Okay, Adnan Chalma Kulhan, Adnan Genç, Ahmet Aziz, Ahmet Önal, Akın Birdal, Ali Gökkaya, Anjel Dikme, Arzu Şenel Atmaca, Atilla Dirim, Attila Tuygan, Aysel Baytar Önsal, Ayşe Batumlu, BaskınOran, Bekir Reyhan, Bora Balcı, Bozkurt Kemal Yücel, Bülent Tekin, Celal İnal, David Vergili, Derya Yetişgen, Dikran Egoo, Emrah Cilasun, Ercan Aktaş, Ercan Kanar, Erdal Boyoğlu, Erdal Doğan, Erdem Özgül, Ergün Kuzenk, Erkan Metin, Erol Özkoray, Ertuğrul Gümüş, Faiz Cebiroğlu, Fikret Başkaya,Fusun Erdoğan Gül Gökbulut, Gün Zileli, Hacı Orman, Haldun Açıksözlü, Hale Koray, Hanna Bet-sawoce Hasan Burgucuoğlu, Hasan Fırat, Hasan Hüseyin Deveci, Hasan Kaya, Hasan Oğuz, Hasan Zeydan, Hayri Argav, Hovsep Hayreni, Hüseyin Bektaş, Ira Tzourou, İbrahim Seven, İlyas Danyeli, İnci Hekimoğlu, İshak Kocabıyık, İsmail Beşikçi,İsmail Cem Özkan, Jozef Hadodo, Kadir Cangızbay, Kayuş Çalıkman Gavrilof, Kenan Urkun, Kenan Yenice, Leman Stehn, Mahir Özkan, Mahmut Cantekin, Mahmut Konuk, Mehmet Can, Mehmet Demirok, Mehmet Erkek, Mehmet Özer, Mehmet Uluışık, Melissa Bilal, Meral Saraç Seven, Mithat Baş, Murad Mıhçı, Murat Kuseyri, Mustafa Sütlaş, Muzaffer Erdoğdu, Nadya Uygun, Nail Beth - kinne, Necmettin Salaz, Nivart Bakırcıoğlu, Nusret Maçin, Oktay Etiman, Pinar Ömeroğlu, Quin Minassian, Raffi A. Hermon, Ragıp Zarakolu, Ramazan Gezgin, Recep Maraşlı, Remzi İnanç, Rıdvan Bilek, Rüstem Aryal, Sait Çetinoğlu, Samet Erdoğdu, Sennur Baybuğa, Serap Kiral, Serdar Koçman, Sibel Özbudun, Sinan Çiftyürek, Sungur Savran, Süleyman Baş, Şaban İba, Şanar Yurdatapan, Şiar Rişvanoğlu,Tamar Çıtak, Tamer Çilingir, Temel Demirer, Türkan Balaban, Ufuk Uras, Yalçın Ergündoğan, Yasin Yetişgen, Zeynep Tanbay, Zeynep Tozduman , Ersin Kaya, Sennur Sezer, Adnan Özyalciner, Ali Kılıç, Cemil Kocatepe, Tamer Çağlayan, Mesut Tufan, Ragıp Duran
The Stateless Journalist Doğan Özgüden is our Conscience!
The honor and conscience of our geography, human rights activists, the Stateless Journalist Doğan Özgüden is targeted in Brussels, the European Union’s capital where he has been living in exile for 44 years and nationalists try to turn him into a target of their racist assaults, threats, slanders and lynch campaigns.
The nationalist circles initiate their assaults and campaigns during the commemorationsof the100thanniversary of the1915 Genocide / Massacre and the nationalist assaults and campaigns after the Massacre of Hrant Dink were the same. This is meaningful.
We know very well the studies which were carried on for more than 60 years, consistent freedom and equality struggles against injustice and unfairness, uncompromising attitude against the power elites in Turkey, honorable rising against the denialist official thesis in respect of the 1915 Genocide / Massacre of the Journalist Doğan Özgüden who was brought down to a “Stateless” position and we are also aware that his consistent, upright stance made Doğan Özgüden the target of the racist, nationalist and denialist circles of the Turkish State.
Doğan Özgüden is our conscience, Doğan Özgüden is not alone!
We declare our solidarity and support to our conscience and we also declare that we are with the Stateless Journalist, and also we call progressivists who live in Belgium and migrated from these lands for duty and we call all parties concerned for sensitivity and we ask them to take due precautions.
The Ankara Initiative for Freedom of Thought
Galata Gazete
Doğan Özgüden, journaliste apatride, est notre conscience !
La fierté et la conscience de notre pays, défenseur des droits de l'homme, Doğan Özgüden; journaliste apatride est maintenant devenu le cible des menaces, des calomnies et des attaques nationalistes et racistes, des campagnes de lynchage à Bruxelles, la capitale de l’U.E. où il vit en exil depuis 44 ans.
Le déclanchement des campagnes et des attaques nationalistes par des nationalistes pendant les commémoration du centenaire du Génocide n’est pas une simple coincidence, tout comme à la suite de l’assasinat de Hrant Dink.
Comme nous connaissons très bien les travaux de Doğan Özgüden depuis plus de 60 ans, sa lutte détérminée pour l’égalité et la libérté contre l’injustice et sa position sans aucune concéssion pour les détenteur du pouvoir en Turquie, son opposition honorable contre le négationisme de la thèse officielle à propos du Génocide de 1915 de l’état Turc, nous voyons bien que c’est pour cette raison qu’il devient le cible des milieux nationalistes et racistes.
Doğan Özgüden est notre conscience, il n’est pas tout seul !
Nous déclarons notre solidarité avec ce journaliste apatride, avec toute notre conscience nous apportons notre appuie et nous appelons tous les progressistes exilés en Belgique de nos terres et toutes les internationalistes de Belgique au devoir et les responsables d’être sensible et prendre les mesures nécéssaires.
İnitiative de la libérté d'opinion d'Ankara
Journal Galata
Abdullah Demirbaş, Abud Can, Adam Sarkis, Adil Okay, Adnan Chalma Kulhan, Adnan Genç, Ahmet Aziz, Ahmet Önal, Akın Birdal, Ali Gökkaya, Anjel Dikme, Arzu Şenel Atmaca, Atilla Dirim, Attila Tuygan, Aysel Baytar Önsal, Ayşe Batumlu, BaskınOran, Bekir Reyhan, Bora Balcı, Bozkurt Kemal Yücel, Bülent Tekin, Celal İnal, David Vergili, Derya Yetişgen, Dikran Egoo, Emrah Cilasun, Ercan Aktaş, Ercan Kanar, Erdal Boyoğlu, Erdal Doğan, Erdem Özgül, Ergün Kuzenk, Erkan Metin, Erol Özkoray, Ertuğrul Gümüş, Faiz Cebiroğlu, Fikret Başkaya,Fusun Erdoğan Gül Gökbulut, Gün Zileli, Hacı Orman, Haldun Açıksözlü, Hale Koray, Hanna Bet-sawoce Hasan Burgucuoğlu, Hasan Fırat, Hasan Hüseyin Deveci, Hasan Kaya, Hasan Oğuz, Hasan Zeydan, Hayri Argav, Hovsep Hayreni, Hüseyin Bektaş, Ira Tzourou, İbrahim Seven, İlyas Danyeli, İnci Hekimoğlu, İshak Kocabıyık, İsmail Beşikçi,İsmail Cem Özkan, Jozef Hadodo, Kadir Cangızbay, Kayuş Çalıkman Gavrilof, Kenan Urkun, Kenan Yenice, Leman Stehn, Mahir Özkan, Mahmut Cantekin, Mahmut Konuk, Mehmet Can, Mehmet Demirok, Mehmet Erkek, Mehmet Özer, Mehmet Uluışık, Melissa Bilal, Meral Saraç Seven, Mithat Baş, Murad Mıhçı, Murat Kuseyri, Mustafa Sütlaş, Muzaffer Erdoğdu, Nadya Uygun, Nail Beth - kinne, Necmettin Salaz, Nivart Bakırcıoğlu, Nusret Maçin, Oktay Etiman, Pinar Ömeroğlu, Quin Minassian, Raffi A. Hermon, Ragıp Zarakolu, Ramazan Gezgin, Recep Maraşlı, Remzi İnanç, Rıdvan Bilek, Rüstem Aryal, Sait Çetinoğlu, Samet Erdoğdu, Sennur Baybuğa, Serap Kiral, Serdar Koçman, Sibel Özbudun, Sinan Çiftyürek, Sungur Savran, Süleyman Baş, Şaban İba, Şanar Yurdatapan, Şiar Rişvanoğlu,Tamar Çıtak, Tamer Çilingir, Temel Demirer, Türkan Balaban, Ufuk Uras, Yalçın Ergündoğan, Yasin Yetişgen, Zeynep Tanbay, Zeynep Tozduman , Ersin Kaya, Sennur Sezer, Adnan Özyalciner, Ali Kılıç, Cemil Kocatepe, Tamer Çağlayan, Mesut Tufan, Ragıp Duran